Tomi Räisänen

Photo: ELP Productions

“Breathing is not a technique. Every breath is a unique expression, a way to connect with the self and a fast track to healing and transformation. It is a gateway between life here and beyond.”

The story of the new me began about a decade ago when I was finally able to pause and silence my mind. From that silence, my journey of self-realization began.

As a former professional athlete and extreme sports enthusiast, I filled my time with constant action. While I was energetic and outwardly happy, inside I struggled with a short temper and self-blame. Amidst navigating my life through subconscious behavioral patterns and beliefs, I began to realize there was more to life than the person I—and others—thought I was. As I started questioning my own personality, actions, and automatic reactions, I didn’t yet realize that these questions were the true beginning of my transformation. The search for my true self had begun.

Even though I was questioning myself, I struggled to find real answers or solutions for how to change my old habits and beliefs and how to become the new me I desired. No matter how hard I tried to think my way through these inner obstacles, the answers just didn’t come. The real solution arose from absolute silence. My first real experience of a quiet mind happened during conscious cold exposure. I was forced to focus on my breath to calm myself under extreme stress while immersing myself in freezing water. And there it was—I had found the solution to all my questions: my own breath.

Since then, I have been constantly involved with my breath—observing it, guiding it consciously, and allowing it to open a path to endless inner discoveries. By consciously using and observing my breath, I have learned to heal from severe brain injuries, let go of pain, guilt, hate, and grievances, relax under stress, find genuine love and compassion for myself and others, discover hope and solutions in the most difficult situations, and turn desperation into inspiration. I have learned to trust my intuition to save me from life-threatening situations, to open myself up to deeper spiritual experiences, and to trust that all of my feelings, emotions, and experiences are completely safe to embrace. This has all led me to understand that we each possess tremendous inner power to influence our lives without limitation.

However, I’ve also learned there is one caveat: there are no external circumstances or people to blame. I am fully responsible for my own thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors. Taking full responsibility is the only way to break free from inner obstacles and to become the creator of my reality without limitation.

I have spent years studying in various Breathwork schools and have had many amazing teachers along the way. I am deeply grateful for the vast knowledge, skills, and inspiration I’ve gained. Yet, my most profound teacher has been my own journey with the breath. My guiding and teaching are based on my personal experiences and the experiences of hundreds of people from all walks of life whom I have coached, taught, and assisted. These individuals include professional artists, athletes, people with multiple ailments, and those who simply share the desire to become the best versions of themselves. I emphasize that just as we are all unique, so is the breath of each individual. While there are many beneficial breathing techniques, breathing itself is not a technique. It is part of our deepest essence, connecting our body, mind, and spirit.

My path is one of inner growth and self-realization, and my breath is my greatest teacher. My mission is to help you use your breath as a means to express yourself freely, inspire yourself and others, and shine your brightest light into the world.

Cheers to the greatest mission in life,

Tomi Räisänen


Let's Start

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